Manifestation Workbook

Manifestation Workbook


Manifestation teaches you to focus your attention on the positive aspects in your life to help empower your mind, body, soul. It is being the Co-creator for the life you desire and deserve. This manual will help you tap into the Powers of Thought, Emotion, Gratitude and Wording training the mind to be more present aware of daily positive situations.

The 12-page Manifestation Workbook is designed to bring about a powerful shift in your perception and thinking. Inside you will find the space to record goals, blessings, inspiring ideas, and positive affirmations. Each exercise is a vibrational currency opening up the floodgates and letting in all the things that you have been wanting and waiting for. This downloadable PDF makes it convenient to read on your phone, print on the go, and is super perfect for gratitude journaling in your Karibu Journal.

Tap into your innate power and create the happiness and joy you deserve by committing to positive writing, positive ideas, and positive thoughts for a delicious, fruitful life. 

Created by Arielle Simone