The Artist's Way Week 6 - Recovering Abundance


Week 6 is all about recovering from a sense of abundance. It talks about stepping into our greatness and allowing ourselves to soar. Julia specifically mentions adding more shmoney and more luxury to our lives. We talked about the power of feeling rich and what richness looks like to us. Finding cute, little ways to add more luxuries to our home. It can even be the luxury of having more time. More time to indulge in things that bring us more joy. It’s letting go the belief that there is a cap to our abundance, our happiness, our blessings. It’s letting the Universe know that we are ready and we are eager to receive all things good. This topic is a slight sensitive topic and made me a bit emotional. It also served as a map pointing me in the right direction for prosperity and how to heal the parts that made me uncomfortable.

Week 6 Journal Prompts:

  • What does luxury look like to you?

  • What does being, feeling, looking rich mean to you?

  • What does moving in alignment with luxury look like?

  • How can we add more luxury to our daily lives?

  • What does it mean to be accepting of more luxury?

  • Where does the idea of holding back on luxury stem from?

  • How does poverty PTSD show up in my life? Does money make me nervous?

  • How can I commit to the idea of being okay with adding more abundance in my life?

  • What are my limiting beliefs about money? Where do they stem from?

  • How can I confront my beliefs about money?

  • Where do I need to shift my perspective on money?

  • What are some of my favorite affirmations surrounding money?

  • Where does the work begin? How do we attract more money into our lives? Who do we need to be attract more abundance, more success, more love, more joy, more creativity, more opportunities?

  • How can I align myself with this person?

Feel free to comment or add more questions. Check out Week 6’s session on YouTube. Thank you all so much for sharing this space with me.

with gratitude,

Arielle JerniganComment