Alkalizing Bodies: How to Eat for Optimal Health
Greeting Gods,
Like anything in life, balance is key. When it comes to your body’s pH levels, it’s the key to life! pH is how we measure how much alkaline or acid a food contains. An abundance of acidic foods creates an environment for yeast and fungus. More alkaline foods will give you more energy and that chronic yeast infections will begin to disappear. When we eat acidic foods we make it much harder for the body to store important vitamins and minerals so it gives the body no choice but to pull these vital nutrients from other parts of the body such as our teeth, bones, and organs. When we eat enough alkaline foods then our body has easy access to minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium into our bloodstream. When we don’t foods that are high in alkaline it jeopardizing the health in your immune system causing you to feel tired, drained, and fatigue. This will make you more susceptible to viruses and diseases.
Ideally you want every single meal to look: 80% Alkaline, 20% Acid
Once you start balancing our your pH level you will begin to notice:
- A huge increase in energy levels
- Better digestion
- Easier fat loss
- Less pain from inflammation related conditions (arthritis)
- Better mental focus
- Better moods
- Longer, healthier, active life
- A step closer to optimal health
Be careful with assuming certain foods are acidic. Many people assume that lemons, limes and even tomatoes are acidic. Yes, they are high in acid but when they are digested and processed into the body they actually have a high alkaline mineral content and almost no sugar. They end up having an alkaline effect on the body after they are consumed.
Below is a list of both alkaline and acidic foods. You want to follow the 80/20 rule. 80% alkaline, 20% acidic.