Posts tagged blackgirls
The Fear of Not "Making It" on Social Media

Social media anxiety is real. It has this interesting way of making us feel like we need to strive for perfection. Things will trend, things will fall off, then something else will trend, and something else will fall off. It’s a vicious cycle. And this cycles affects me because I tend to get discouraged when it comes to posting for this very reason. Talk about applying pressure. Solution: Focusing on my purpose and how I can actually help people inspires me to stay motivated to post.

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100+ Halloween Costumes for Black Women

Greeting gods, 

Seldom do I find Halloween costumes with Black people as the models on the cover. As a Black woman, it’s really hard to find our favorite costumes and when we do we have to modify it to be Black. One year I was Jessica Rabbit but I had to be the ‘Black’ Jessica Rabbit. Very, very whack. White is not the standard so I’ve decided to come up with a list of 100+ Halloween costume ideas for Black women. Ranging from cartoon characters to old R&B groups to Queens, every Black woman (whether your hair is natural, relaxed, in box braids, or in bantu knots) will be able to find a costume that resonates with them from this list.

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